Milana Cap, Developer in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
Milana is available for hire
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Milana Cap

Verified Expert  in Engineering

WordPress Developer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
January 9, 2017

Milana is a self-taught WordPress/PHP engineer. She started learning PHP in 2008, WordPress in 2009—and has been working as a freelance WordPress theme developer since 2010. She's been a full-stack engineer since 2011 and a full-time WordPress theme developer and project lead since March of 2015.


PHP, WordPress, Gutenberg Editor, React, JavaScript, Webpack, Composer, Docker...
Harvard Medical School - HR
WordPress, Front-end, Accessibility, Gutenberg Editor, Custom Gutenberg blocks...
Dialogue Theory
WordPress, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Continuous Delivery (CD)...




Preferred Environment

Git, Linux, Konsole, MySQL, Apache

The most amazing...

...project I've made is a table for inserting values and calculating the average/totals; populated on the front-end by automatically creating a new post on submit.

Work Experience

WordPress Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Extended WordPress core blocks to serve specific purposes.
  • Built custom Gutenberg blocks and extended custom blocks made by others.
  • Performed regular code reviews and paired programming sessions.
  • Improved internal documentation, both technical and non-technical.
  • Completed web performance training for Web Vitals.
  • Performed code optimization and applying best practices for enterprise clients.
  • Led the migration of enterprise clients to diverse hosting providers, including WPCOM VIP.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, Gutenberg Editor, React, JavaScript, Webpack, Composer, Docker, BEM, Sass, Documentation, Web Vitals, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, WordPress VIP

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2023 - 2023
Harvard Medical School - HR
  • Built a plugin with custom nested Gutenberg blocks with four variants.
  • Created a child theme and extended the parent theme to fit the client's layout and other visual requests.
  • Extended premium plugin to fit client's needs in functionalities.
Technologies: WordPress, Front-end, Accessibility, Gutenberg Editor, Custom Gutenberg blocks, JavaScript, React, PHP, Git, Pantheon, Plugins, Themes, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2020 - 2021
Dialogue Theory
  • Established continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions and the WP Engine.
  • Set up Webpack to run tasks for building and minifying assets.
  • Customized AMP templates to meet the design decisions.
  • Built AMP navigation sliding in with a sidebar component.
  • Performed bespoke development, building custom templates for CPT, custom archives, Ajax pagination, and mega menu.
  • Created a custom referral workflow with Mailchimp API, ACF, custom post type, and meta.
  • Worked on Airtable API integration for creating and updating content by authors without access to WordPress.
  • Performed custom REST API integration between two WordPress instances for exchanging and reformatting data, automated with cron jobs.
  • Integrated API for displaying refined search queries in real time.
Technologies: WordPress, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Mailchimp API, PHP, JavaScript, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), jQuery, AMPScript, Webpack, NPM, Git, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, APIs

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2020 - 2020
Calibrium Marketing, LLC.
  • Added custom data to the views for the WooCommerce shop and single product.
  • Added custom data to YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote and YITH WooCommerce Compare plugins' functionality.
  • Replicated WooCommerce Analytics (WooCommerce Admin) on the front end.
  • Customized the checkout form for collecting additional data, saving that data to various places, and using it for different purposes, including but not limited to content personalization for the logged-in visitor.
Technologies: Statistics, Ajax, WooCommerce API, WooCommerce, Git, JavaScript, PHP 7, HTML

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2020 - 2020
  • Created a custom form for collecting email addresses that are then stored locally for usage during the user's flow. Also, built the flow depending on the user's choices along the way.
  • Connected WordPress with the HubSpot API and set an auto-login to the platform demo via API tokens.
  • Connected WordPress with the API for tracking user's workflow.
  • Set ACF to enable the easier management of sign-up flow content.
Technologies: GitHub, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, WordPress, HubSpot,, JavaScript, PHP 7, HTML, CSS, APIs

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2020 - 2020
Welcome Family
  • Completed the refactoring of legacy PHP code in a WordPress theme.
  • Updated assets to the newest versions (Bootstrap, FontAwesome, and so on) and adapted the code to work with them.
  • Replaced old and unsupported JavaScript libraries with new ones, optimized code, and enforced reusability.
  • Introduced Webpack and its possibilities for the front-end assets—splitting code and loading only when needed, merging and minimizing JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Replaced existing FontAwesome fonts with inline SVGs.
  • Replaced Classic Editor and Advanced Custom Fields Pro with Block editor.
  • Built custom block templates for easy content editing.
  • Created custom blocks to match the client's needs for complex content sections.
Technologies: GitHub, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, Webpack, Writing & Editing, Webpack 4, Gutenberg Editor, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress Themes, WordPress, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, APIs

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2019 - 2020
Rubix Health
  • Automated complex medical workflow through 14 connected Gravity Forms.
  • Automated flagging and calculations of a long and complex medical survey.
  • Built custom views of submitted data with Gravity View.
  • Automated email templates with or without custom PDF attachments based on specific values submitted by Gravity Forms.
  • Automated the process for obtaining digital signatures for the consent form.
  • Integrated ICPC-2 Plus database via its API with Gravity Form.
Technologies: GitHub, WordPress API, Git, WordPress, GravityView, Flow, Gravity Forms, HTML, CSS, APIs

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2018 - 2019
Rooster Money
  • Connected WordPress with a custom referral API in both ways: GET and PUT.
  • Refactored the existing code and applied WordPress coding standards.
  • Created customized templates for various referral workflows.
  • Implemented GDPR settings and custom localization.
  • Integrated Mailchimp API, Waitlisted API, Twitter API, and Webpack.
  • Implemented a multilingual setup for different English-speaking areas.
  • Detected a visitor's geolocation serving the correct localized version.
  • Guided client's in-house developers on how to solve various problems, performed code reviews, and delegated tasks.
Technologies: GitHub, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, Webpack, Webpack 4, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress Themes, WordPress, Regex, Twitter API, jQuery, JavaScript, Grunt, Custom APIs, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, APIs

Freelance Expert WordPress Theme Developer

2017 - 2019
  • Built free and premium WordPress themes for hosting on and online markets.
  • Developed Ariel Pro; the theme was built based on an existing front end.
  • Created an Elara Pro WordPress theme based on a PSD design.
Technologies: Instagram API, WordPress Plugins, SCSS, Webpack, Writing & Editing, Webpack 4, Gutenberg Editor, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress Themes, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Gulp, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

Freelance WordPress Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • Replicated a client's jobs board from to WordPress.
  • Gathered all the job data from using their API at
  • Developed a custom theme on top of Sage (
  • Created a custom Cron job for fetching data from
  • Built a custom search jobs functionality that combines data from and searches for terms within WordPress.
Technologies: REST APIs, ACF PRO, WordPress API, Git, PHP, WordPress, Greenhouse, HTML, CSS, APIs

Freelance WordPress Developer (via Toptal)

2017 - 2018
  • Created customized templates in an existing WordPress theme.
  • Analyzed and refactored the existing code to ensure it follows best practices.
  • Built custom components to fit client's visual requests.
Technologies: ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, WordPress API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress Themes, WordPress, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

Freelance WordPress Multisite Developer (via Toptal)

2017 - 2018
  • Migrated theme options to a customizer for a multisite installation.
  • Refactored the existing code.
  • Integrated Facebook Open Graph META tags.
Technologies: WordPress API, Git, CSS3, PHP, WordPress, Facebook API, Custom APIs

Freelance Senior WordPress Plugin Developer (via Toptal)

2017 - 2017
  • Implemented a new feature in the existing plugin.
  • Created a new event in Google Calendar using the custom syntax (wording scheme), getting this event into WordPress and creating new booking post based on data from a custom syntax.
  • Used as much as possible the functionality available from the plugin (DRY).
  • Wrote clean and well-documented code so that other developers can continue the plugin development swimmingly.
Technologies: WordPress Plugins, WordPress API, Git, PHP, WordPress, Google Calendar API, APIs

Freelance Full-stack WordPress Developer (via Toptal)

2017 - 2017
EduOpinions SL
  • Developed a child theme.
  • Heavily customized a commenting system.
  • Customized an automated mailing system based on user level and action.
  • Implemented a custom integration with Mailchimp.
  • Built a social login.
  • Created a multilingual functionality.
  • Guided a junior developer in Git, deployment, and various WordPress areas.
Technologies: WordPress API, Git, CSS3, PHP, WordPress, LinkedIn API, Facebook API, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, CSS

WordPress Theme Developer | Project Lead

2015 - 2017
The House London
  • Developed small-to-medium business websites in WordPress.
  • Implemented third-party APIs (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Mailchimp, Eventbrite, and Meetup).
  • Built custom user groups and permissions for viewing, editing, and administrating user groups and content.
  • Created various data models for building content with Advanced Custom Fields PRO.
  • Built various custom plugins which were reusable for different projects.
  • Conducted code reviews and guided junior developers.
Technologies: Instagram API, WordPress Plugins, REST APIs, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress Themes, WordPress, Gulp, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, APIs

WordPress Theme Developer | Project Lead

2015 - 2017
Creative Agency Egzote
  • Automated the content creation with the Twitter and Instagram feeds (Twitter and Instagram API).
  • Worked onsite RSVP events via the Eventbrite and Meetup APIs.
  • Enabled onsite subscription via the Mailchimp API.
  • Implemented various WordPress REST APIs (related posts, Masonry filters by categories, and more).
  • Created content on the front-end via Advanced Custom Fields PRO.
Technologies: Instagram API, WordPress Plugins, REST APIs, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress Themes, WordPress, Gulp, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, APIs

Freelance WordPress Theme Developer

2010 - 2017
Freelance Work
  • Built small, personal, and business websites using WordPress.
  • Created web designs in Photoshop.
  • Developed an audio-and-video playlist in WordPress via an HTML5 audio and video player.
  • Set up domain hosting (domain name, DNS, emails) and website hosting (cPanel, phpMyAdmin, and FTP).
  • Implemented Google services (webmaster tools, analytics, reCAPTCHA, and more).
Technologies: GitHub, Instagram API, WordPress Plugins, REST APIs, ACF PRO, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), SCSS, WordPress API, Mailchimp API, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, WordPress Themes, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Sass, Gulp, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

Public Speaking
• "WordPress Through The Terminal"
PHP Serbia Conference 2021, 27-28 August 2021,

• Panel "Full Site Editing"
WordCamp Europe 2021, 07-09 June 2021,

• "WordPress Through The Terminal"
Bulgaria PHP Conference 2019, 08-10 November 2019,

• Panel "Running A Successful Contributor Day"
WordCamp US 2019, 01-03 November 2019,

• "WordPress Through The Terminal"
WordCamp Skopje 2019, 05-06 October 2019,

• "WordPress REST API when you're not WordPress developer"
Bulgaria Web Summit 2018, 14 April 2018,

Documentation Focus Lead for WordPress 5.8 Release

• Keep track of changes within the release that require dev notes.
• Coordinate with the participants of the tickets who have the best understanding of the changes (the committer, the component maintainers, the contributors who own a ticket and lead the charge) to draft dev notes.
• Ensure all dev notes are written with enough time to be proofread, reviewed, and published prior to the field guide (which is published at the same time as release candidate one).
• If a ticket participant is not available to write a dev note, finding someone to write one, or write one myself.
• Ensure any documentation pages required for new features are created before the release.
• Write and publish the release changelog on HelpHub (end-user documentation).
• Update the WordPress versions page on the Codex.

Mentor for Google Season of Docs Program
Project: A full and renewed set of documentation style guide

• Successful projects for season 2020:
• Original project proposal:
• Final project report:

WordPress Theme Development Workshop
A free WordPress theme development workshop for the local WordPress community.

· 20 April 2019 -

· 30 March 2019 -

· 16 March 2019 -

· 2 March 2019 -

· 16 February 2019 -

· 2 February 2019 -

· 19 January 2019 -

· 22 December 2018 -

· 08 December 2018 -

· 24 November 2018 -

· 20 October 2018 -

· 06 October 2018 -

· 29 September 2018 -

· 15 September 2018 -

WordCamp Organizing and Volunteering
· September 2019 | WordCamp Nijmegen
- Role: Volunteer

· June 2019 | WordCamp Europe, Berlin
- Role: Co-organizer (Community Team Lead)

· May 2019 | WordCamp Niš
- Role: Co-organizer

· March 2019 | WordCamp Nordic, Helsinki
- Role: Volunteer

· August 2018 | WordCamp Nijmegen
- Role: Volunteer

· June 2018 | WordCamp Europe, Belgrade
- Role: Co-organizer (Community Team)

· September 2017 | WordCamp Zagreb
- Role: Volunteer

· June 2017 | WordCamp Europe, Paris
- Role: Volunteer

· June 2017 | Community Summit, Paris
- Role: Co-organizer (Community Team)

· May 2017 | WordCamp Belgrade
- Role: Volunteer

I worked on Pluralize-string.php, which defines irregular plurals for the English language. It examines if the string is irregular and if it is relevant to its ending, then generates the plural form of the word.


CSS3, HTML5, PHP, Sass, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP 7, Regex, SCSS, AMPScript




REST APIs, WordPress API, Twitter API, jQuery, Vimeo API, YouTube API, Meetup API, Eventbrite API, Instagram API, Facebook API, LinkedIn API, Custom APIs,, WooCommerce API, Google Calendar API, React


PhpMyAdmin, Git, Sublime Text 3, GitHub, Trello, Bitbucket, Gulp, Gutenberg Editor, Webpack 4, Apache, Adobe Photoshop, ACF PRO, Greenhouse, Grunt, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Flow, GravityView, Webpack, NPM, WP-CLI, Composer


WordPress, Linux, cPanel, WooCommerce, Docker, Pantheon, WordPress VIP


Mailchimp API, WordPress Themes, Writing & Editing, WordPress Plugins, Responsive Design, APIs, SVG, Konsole, HubSpot, Gravity Forms, Ajax, Open Source, Volunteering, Community, Statistics, GitHub Actions, Technical Writing, Open Source CMS, Documentation, Web Vitals, Front-end, Accessibility, Custom Gutenberg blocks, Plugins, Themes




Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), BEM

Collaboration That Works

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